Part of the Christian Kyriarchy Project

Last updated 12/28/2024

I want to re-emphasize this is mostly about American Christians.

1. Christians who support Israel often do so because they believe God made certain promises that make opposing Israel pointless or even unbiblical.

Uncritical examples

Answering Those Who Oppose Israel by Dr. Thomas Ice | Pre-Trib Research Center (earliest archive is from December 2009)

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Why Don't Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson | City Journal (2008)

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Biblical Prophecy and Israel: What is God's Plan? | Curt Landry Ministries

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Signs of the End of the Age Straight from Scripture | Millenium Ark (earliest archive is from March 2000)

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What is Israel's role in the end times? | Got Questions?

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For many evangelicals, Jerusalem is about prophecy, not politics by Diana Butler Bass | CNN (May 2018)

Palestinian Evangelicals and Christian Zionism by Jonathan Kuttab | Institute For Palestinian Studies (December 2018)

The Christian Zionist Group Shaping Holocaust Education in Florida by Corey Sherman | Jewish Currents (July 2021)

2. Conservative Christian Zionists often portray Palestinians as terrorists or as being in the way of Israel. They also frame pro-Palestinian activism as always being pro-Hamas.

Uncritical examples

Should Israel be building settlements in the occupied territories? | Got Questions

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Why Do Liberals Unwittingly Support Hamas? by Robert Cherry | RealClearReligion (May 2024)

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Anti-Israel Activism by Dr. Thomas Ice | Pre-Trib Research Center (oldest archive is from November 2013)

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Let's Talk About Israel and Genocide | One For Israel (earliest archives are from September 2024, this organization also promotes the concept of ”Messianic Judaism”)

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The Woke Jihad | Gene Veinth (May 2024)

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Christian Palestinianism by Dr. Thomas Ice | Pre-Trib Research Center (earliest archive is from November 2012)

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Why Don't Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson | City Journal (2008)

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Response to College Student Protests Against Israel by Rodney Kennedy | Progressive Persuasion and Passion (May 2024)

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Why a Christian SHOULD Vote for Donald Trump to be President by Al Baker | Early Christian History Matters (September 2024, lumps pro-Palestine protests together as riots and anti-Jewish and also makes the clearly false claim that the Democratic party is anti-Israel)

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Palestinian Evangelicals in Confrontation with Christian Zionism by Rev. Alex Awad | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (February 2021)

3. Christian Zionists may claim to be allies of Jewish people, but their actual record tends to ignore antisemitism within their ranks. Many seem to think supporting Israel means they can't be antisemitic.

Uncritical examples

Christian Zionism by Dr. Thomas Ice | Pre-Trib Research Center (appears to have been published before December 2003)

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Christian Zionists: Three lies and a truth by Nathanael Harris | Jewish News Syndicate (July 2021, cites antisemitic preacher John Hagee and says a rabbi's article about antisemitism in Christian Zionism is ridiculous)

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Why Don't Jews Like the Christians Who Like Them? by James Q. Wilson | City Journal (2008)

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End Times Antisemitism by Steven Gardiner | Political Research Associates (July 2020)

Mike Pence's Love Of Israel Is Dangerous For Jews by Jay Michaelson | Forward (January 2018)

The anti-Semitic theology behind the Christian Zionist lobby by Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb | Religion News Service (July 2019)

Who is John Hagee, the Christian Zionist pastor who spoke at the March for Israel? by Mira Fox | Forward (November 2023)

We Might Be Chosen, But We're Still Going to Hell: Jews and the Christian Right by Michelle Goldberg | Huff Post (November 2006)

So let's talk about Christian Zionism. | Twitter thread by Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis (May 2021)

Why is Jerusalem so important to American Evangelical Christians? by Graig Graziosi | The Independent (August 2020)

Meet Bibi's New Tribulation-Courting, Jew-Converting, Demon-Exorcising American Allies by Rachel Tabachnick | The Daily Beast (March 2015)

TF: Loving an America without Americans | slacktivist (August 2011)

Michele Bachmann Accuses Jews of Selling Out Israel | Forward (March 2014)

The Evangelicals Trying to Convert Israelis on the Battlefield by Elle Hardy | The New Republic (December 2023)

NRA: The only thing worse than the Antichrist | slacktivist (September 2014)

4. Western Christians care more about supporting Israel at all costs than they do about their fellow Christians among Palestinians. The former type of Christian doesn't tend address that the latter type will often stand alongside their Muslim neighbors and against Israel's colonialism.

Uncritical examples

None yet


Don't forget Palestinian Christians by Mya Jaradat | Deseret News (May 2021)

Palestinian Christians | Palestine Portal

Palestinian Evangelicals and Christian Zionism by Jonathan Kuttab | Institute For Palestinian Studies (December 2018)

Palestinian Evangelicals in Confrontation with Christian Zionism by Rev. Alex Awad | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (February 2021)

Myth: Palestinian Christians Are Leaving Due To Palestinian Muslims And The PA | Decolonize Palestine

For Palestinian Christians, a Sunday spent mourning civilians killed at a Gaza church by Becky Sullivan | National Public Radio (October 2023)

An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians | (October 2023)

Cancel Christmas?/All I Want for Christmas Is a Ceasefire by Stephanie Abraham (December 2023)

Available on Arab America (which includes an audio version) and Yes! Magazine

More commentary on Christian Zionism and Palestinian Christians

The Terrifying Alliance Between End Times Christian Zionists and Donald Trump by Sarah Lazare | In These Times (October 2020)

Jerusalem: Trump's gift to evangelicals by Matthew Avery Sutton | Seattle Times (December 2017)

Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture by Thomas Lecaque | Religion Dispatches (October 2023)

Republican congressman suggests dropping nuclear bombs on Gaza and ending humanitarian aid | South China Morning Post (March 2024)

Palestinian gov't church group condemns Israel law banning UNRWA | Middle East Monitor (October 2024)

[video] ”Christ Is Still in the Rubble”: Bethlehem Rev. Isaac Calls on U.S. to Stop Funding Gaza Genocide | Democracy Now! (Decmeber 2024)

Further information

Decolonize Palestine (this is a website made to educate people about Palestine)

Self-Destructive College Presidents by Robert Kuttner | The American Prospect (April 2024)

Finders Keepers in the Holy Land: So who was there first? by Fathi Nemer | Mondoweiss (March 2017)

Myth: You Can't Be Antisemitic If You Support Israel | Decolonize Palestine

Anti-Semitism and Zionism Have Formed a Brutal Alliance by Wendy Elisheva Somerson | Truthout (July 2019)

Trump uses Jews to advance his own agenda. His antisemitism is a clear & present danger. by Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld | LGBTQ Nation (November 2023)

How the Israeli flag became a symbol for white nationalists by Ben Lorber | 972 Magazine (January 2021)

Chuck Schumer Is Antisemitism's Great Enabler by Dave Zirin | The Nation (November 2023)

Christian colonialism

Various | Christian Zionism

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