
About this site

I wanted a place to stick my linkspams that wasn't Google Docs.

About me

I was born and raised in northern California and get annoyed when people forget there's more to the state than SoCal. By the way, if anyone tells you California is a haven for liberals, they probably haven’t spent much time up north.

Anyway, I grew up Protestant but I've since left the faith. I love media criticism and analysis, dogs, tea, and things that are blue.

Here are some places you can find me

Pillowfort | Wordpress

Unless stated otherwise, my work is under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This means you can share it and make derivative works under the conditions that you give me credit and don't make money from it. If you want to use my work for profit, please ask me first. You can email me at cheerfuloptimistic(at)disroot.org.

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