Part of the Christian Kyriarchy Project

This largely covers antisemitic beliefs and tactics that have relatively recent origins (recent being 20th century).

Last updated 3/5/2024

1. Christians who support Israel often do so because they believe God made certain promises that make opposing Israel pointless or even unbiblical. A result of this belief is portraying Jewish anti-zionists as ”disloyal” and anti-Christian.

In addition, Christian Zionists often have racist and colonialist attitudes towards Palestinians.

See this document for more information.

2. Some influential Christians have bought into the conspiracy theory that Jewish people control society.

(Mostly) uncritical examples

[video] John Hagee's Federal Reserve/Rothschild Banker Conspiracy Theories | Uploaded by Bruce Wilson in March 2015, makes the Rothschilds claims about 10 and half minutes in.

Also archived on Wayback Machine and Ghost Archive


Billy Graham & the Synagogue of Satan by Mike Hertenstien | Medium (July 2018, talks about Nazis and the Holocaust, also uses an anti-romani slur without acknowledging it's a slur)

Billy Graham to Richard Nixon: Satan was working through the Jews, but Hitler handled it all wrong by John Fea | Current (September 2022)

Billy Graham's apology was a lie | slacktivist (October 2022)

The New World Order: The Historical Origins of a Dangerous Modern Conspiracy Theory by Myles Flores | Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (May 2022)

TF: The Illuminati | slacktivist (February 2010)

3. Some Christians celebrate Jewish holidays without being invited to celebrations by Jewish people. This is an act of cultural misappropriation.

Uncritical examples

None yet


Okay here's why gentiles celebrating Jewish holidays is fundamentally wrong | spockoandjimjim (April 2017)

How Some Christians Mistake Honoring Jewish Culture With Appropriating It by Sarahbeth Caplin | Sojourners (August 2018)

Ask the Rabbi: Why did my bishop ban Christian Seders? | Coffee Shop Rabbi (April 2023)

it's extra appropriative because the things you named just aren't a thing in the hebrew bible at all | Tumblr thread (March 2018)

4. There's a sect of people who call themselves “Messianic Jews” who believe that Jewish people need to accept Jesus. Many Jewish people have rejected them as Christians trying to claim Judaism.

Uncritical examples

About | Jews For Jesus

Archived on Wayback Machine,, and Ghost Archive

I Met Messiah: Jewish Testimonies | One For Israel (this is a category of articles and videos trying to claim belief in Jesus can be Jewish)

Archived on Wayback Machine,, and Ghost Archive


Who Are Messianic "Jews"? by Tamar Fox | My Jewish Learning (published in or before April 2015)

Against Messianic Judaism | Heterodox Homo (July 2016

Fake Jews by Josh Marshall | Talking Points Memo (October 2018)

Why I'm not a Messianic Jew | Sarahbeth Caplin (February 2016)

5. Right-wing Christians sometimes claim that “Judeo-Christian values” are under attack and need defending. As many people have pointed out, Judaism and Christianity often have very different values, and people who use the phrase “Judeo-Christian” often don't know much about Jewish values.

Uncritical examples

Bryan Fischer: Firefighters did the Christian thing in letting house burn to the ground | Rightly Concerned (October 2010)

Archived on Wayback Machine and


What Do We Mean By 'Judeo-Christian'? by Shalom Goldman | Religion Dispatches (February 2011)

Judeo-Christian | Rational Wiki

Take the Words ”Judeo-Christian” Out of Your Damn Mouth by Samuel Ashworth | The Rumpus (March 2018)

The Problem With the 'Judeo-Christian Tradition' by James Loeffler | The Atlantic (August 2020)

Explaining Away the Myth of Judeo-Christianity While Standing on One Foot by Charles Bretan | A Jew and A Gentile walk into a Bar . . . Mitzvah (December 2015)

"Judeo-Christian" | Exposing Antisemitism (December 2015)

Why 'Judeo-Christian values' are a dog-whistle myth peddled by the far right by M J C Warren | The Conversation (November 2017)

6. Progressive Christians making arguments in favor of LGBTQ+ acceptance will sometimes argue that nobody has a moral problem with eating shrimp, or mixing fabrics. This erases Jewish people who still follow the laws in the Torah. And by the way, some of them are LGBTQ+.

Uncritical examples

I don't believe the intention is to say that the laws are outdated | be not afraid (July 2019)

Archived on Wayback Machine,, and Ghost Archive

These posters are not about the ridicule of the bible but about the cherry picking of the ppl using the bible against others | allyments (July 2019)

Archived on Wayback Machine,, and Ghost Archive


this type of rhetoric is misleading, (in my opinion, slightly antisemitic) and not the way to go about fighting religious homophobes... | Tumblr thread; proudtoehaver also responded to two of the above posts in the thread (July 2019)

Does God Hate Shrimp? When Biblical Citation Goes Awry by Emily A. Filler | Religion And Politics (August 2014)

7. Some Christians, many of whom consider themselves progressive, refer to the Old Testament as vengeful, barbaric, etc. This often comes with the assumption that Jesus and the New Testament are so much better.

Uncritical examples

None yet


Old Testament 'Bad,' New Testament 'Good': A Dangerous (and Mistaken) Assumption by Peter Laarman | Religion Dispatches (September 2018)

Christian Stereotypes of "the God of the Old Testament." Marcion is Alive and Well and Well and What To Do About It. by Marc Zvi Brettler | The Bart Ehrman Blog (September 2021)

Denigrating "The Old Testament God" can be antisemitic | Social Skills For Autonomous People (June 2013)

8. When addressing antisemitism in their religion's history, some Christians take a No True Scotsman approach. Additionally, I've heard some Christians claim people who point out the harmful ways Jewish people are portrayed in the New Testament are wrong about it being antisemitic.

Uncritical examples

Who Says the New Testament is Anti-Semitic? | Christianity Today (March 1967)

Archived on Wayback Machine and


The Myth Of Christian Innocence Reinforces Anti-Semitism by Lee Leviter | Sojourners (April 2020)

I appreciate that you're explaining about the blood libel... | blackoutchocolate (February 2023)

More about antisemitism in Christian spaces

The Antisemitism Post (tm) by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg | Life Is A Sacred Text (April 2024, discusses racist and antisemitic violence and includes antisemitic imagery to contextualize the issues)

Christians Rewrite the Holocaust by Bruce Wilson | Zeek (February 2010)

Hebrew, Used Incorrectly | Writing With Color (December 2020)

The Museum of the Bible Is Exploiting Jewish Tradition—And Saving Its Evangelical Christian Donors Millions by Candida Moss and Joe Baeden | The Daily Beast (September 2018)

*facepalms in Jewish* | proudtoehaver (August 2019)

Why Christians keep appropriating Jewish ritual symbols by Alissa Wilkinson | Vox (January 2021)

“Conversation №662–4” by Mike Hertenstien | Medium (July 2018)

When does life begin? There's more than one religious view by Rachel Mikva | Religion News Network (September 2021)

T.F.: Tim LaHaye's Cherokee grandmother | slacktivist (November 2015)

Latest Book on Evangelical 'Extremism' Reflects Pervasive Tendency to Beat Up on Judaism to Save Jesus by Greg Carey | Religion Dispatches (February 2024)

Xtian Antisemitism is quite alive and well | Tumblr Thread (November 2019)

Ah, I sure do love watching Xtians call Jews “vipers” for having negative opinions about then stealing yet another thing from us | Tumblr thread (November 2019, comments on the same posts that the above thread does)

3 Things Non-Christians Wish Christians Would Remember During The Holidays by Katie Simpson | Ravishly (December 2019)

Out of the Darkness: Examining the Rhetoric of Blindness in the Gospel of John by Drs. Jennifer L. Koosed and Darla Schumm | Disability Studies Quarterly (2005, looks at how metaphors can encourage harmful ideas regarding ableism and antisemitism)

Lawsuit alleging religious discrimination in Tennessee adoption law can proceed by Melissa Brown | Nashville Tennessean (May 2024)

Further information

Where “replacement theory” comes from — and why it refuses to go away by Fabiola Cineas | Vox (May 2022)

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