I don't expect to change the minds of most Christians. I don't have the energy and patience to argue with most people. And even if I did, the people who need to listen the most would likely dismiss me for being [fill-in-the-blank*].

But I have noticed a lot of people trying to criticize Christian theology or culture don't seem to really understand it. Like people who say things like ”If you don't like abortion, then don't have one.”

This is for people who understand that Christian people and cultures are often fucked up, but perhaps haven't quite grasped how or why. It is also for the researchers who need examples when they write their own critiques.


1. This project will likely never be truly finished, only updated as I find more sources.

2. Because of the nature of these documents, they will include archived content that encourages discrimination, hate crimes, and additional abuse.

3. This is about patterns in Christian culture as a whole, not trying to deconvert individual Christians. As long as someone is not using their religion as an excuse to harm others, I'm content to leave them alone.

4. I am coming at this from an American perspective, so I will be largely talking about American Christians.

5. Whether or not someone counts as a ”true” Christian is irrevelant to me. That's something for Christians to talk about amongst themselves, not a shield against criticism from non-Christians.

6. So for you Catholics and Latter-Day Saints, I have good news and bad news. Good news: I consider you true Christians! Bad news: This is because your record on being awful towards vunerable demographics is not better than your Protestant counterparts.

*bitter, deceived by Satan, hateful, homosexual, hostile, liberal, queer, take your pick.

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