Last updated 9/24/2024
Part of the Christian Kyriarchy Project
Certain branches of Christianity treat feminism (or any similar philosophies that promote women's rights) as being inherently anti-Christian. This also applies to egalitarian interpretations of the bible.
Note that because much of Christian theology is deeply cissexist, womanhood is often equated with body parts.
1. These are examples of Christians portraying feminism as being ungodly.
Uncritical and archived examples
Promises of the Patriarchy | National Organization for Women (documents misogynist and racist quotes from particular pastors)
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A Feminized Faith by P. Andrew Sandlin | Chalecon Foundation (February 1998)
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Introduction and Chapter One of The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity by Leon J. Podles (1999)
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[video] Q&A on Womahood [sic] & Gender Roles | Julie Roys (April 2018, talks a little about this throughout, but skip to about 25 minutes in to hear the strongest anti-feminist claims))
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Women Pastors by Fritz Chery | Bible Reasons (May 2023)
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25. The Essence of Femininity A Personal Perspective by Elisabeth Elliot | (April 2005, originally published in 1997)
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The Future of Masculinity by Greg Morse | Desiring God (December 2020)
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Evangelicalism Today: A Symposium | Russell Moore (November 2007, he calls feminism heresy in his answer to the question ”Are there any fundamental differences within the Evangelical movement today, and do you think they will deepen into permanent divisions, or even have already? How might they be healed?”)
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The Truth About Men & Church by Robbie Low | Touchstone (June 2003)
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Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke on the Catholic ”Man-crisis” and what to do about it | The New Emangelization (January 2015)
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Feminized Christianity
Chapter 7 of The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity by Leon J. Podles (1999)
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L.B.: Domestic agenda | slacktivist (February 2007)
Schlafly cranks up agitation at Bates | Sun Journal (March 2007)
2. These are examples of Christians disparaging egalitarianism, which is typically positioned against complementarianism.
Uncritical examples:
...egalitarian hermeneutics are corrosive of biblical authority by Denny Burk | Twitter (January 2020)
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Egalitarianism Vs Complementarianism by Ashley Evans | Bible Reasons (May 2023)
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Grandma-cracy? How older women take over churches | David Murrow (May 2024)
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Biblical Inerrancy's Long History as an Evangelical Activist for White Patriarchy by Stephen Young | Religion Dispatches (February 2022)
3. These are examples of Christians claiming intersectionality is incompatible with Christianity.
Uncritical examples:
Resolutions Committee Report 2020 by Barry Calhoun (skip to page seven for the comments on intersectionality)
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The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel. (the first part addresses intersectionality)
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None yet
More about Christian anti-feminism and anti-egalitarianism
The Blasphemy of Complementarian Dogma | Revolutionary Faith (May 2018)
Complementarianism is a scam. | Sarah Over The Moon (November 2013)
The Daughters' Great Escape by Sarah Stankorb | Marie Claire (June 2018)
Elisabeth Elliot, Flawed Queen of Purity Culture, and Her Disturbing Third Marriage by Liz Charlotte Grant | The Revealer (February 2024)
More about Christian misogyny and sexism
various | misogyny in purity culture | antifeminism and related | saying women should always be submissive to male leaders | gender essentialism | rejecting feminine and gender neutral terms for God | complaints about the church being feminized
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