This document refers mostly to antisemitism that has existed for centuries or millennia. Some of this still happens today.
Last updated 11/8/2023
1. Christians have a history of pogroms against Jewish people.
Uncritical examples
None yet
Armleder persecutions | Wikipedia
Brussels massacre | Wikipedia
2. And then there's blood libel. The term started out as referring to false accusations that Jewish people kill Gentiles to use their blood and flesh in rituals. There is a specific variant that claims matzos are made with the blood of Christian children.
Uncritical examples
The Accusation of the Ritual Murder of St. William of Norwich
Archived on Internet History Sourcebooks
Blood Libel | Holocaust Encyclopedia
Blood libel | Wikipedia
BLOOD ACCUSATION by Richard Gottheil, Hermann L. Strack, Joseph Jacobs | (originally published sometime in 1901-1906)
QAnon, Blood Libel, and the Satanic Panic by Tal Lavin | New Republic (September 2020)
3. Martin Luther, a big name in many Christian circles, was very antisemitic. He wrote a book called On Jews And Their Lies that contributed to antisemitic violence and genocide centuries down the line. He also supported the blood libel myth and believed that violence against Jewish people was justified if it made them convert (or if they refused to convert).
To add insult to injury, I've seen Christians saying things to the effect of "But he had good things to say, so his antisemitic beliefs are no big deal."
Uncritical and archived examples
On The Jews And Their Lies (An English translation of this book that isn't from a white supremacist website)
Martin Luther and antisemitism | Wikipedia
4. Some Christians claim that Jewish people killed Jesus, blaming Jewish people for (what is to Christians) one of the worst crimes in history.
Uncritical examples=
None yet
Jewish deicide | Wikipedia
5. Witch images originate in antisemitic images and practices from medieval Christians.
Uncritical examples
None yet
Imagining the Witch: A Comparison between Fifteenth-Century Witches within Medieval Christian Thought and the Persecution of Jews and Heretics in the Middle Ages by Lily Climenhaga | Constellations (May 2012)
The Antisemitic History of Witches by Emma Shacat | Hey Alma (October 2020)
More about the history of Christian antisemitism
Antisemitism in History: From the Early Church to 1400 | The Holocaust Encyclopedia
The Edict of Expulsion of the Jews | Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture
Institute for the Study and Elimination of Jewish Influence on German Church Life | Wikipedia (this is about an organization from Nazi Germany)
Protestant Churches and the Nazi State | Facing History (last updated April 27, 2022)