Last updated 8/4/2024
The way Christians involved in purity culture set up their morality surrounding sex doesn't tend to differentiate. Two unmarried people having consensual sex is supposedly just as offensive to God as rape and other sexual abuse.
1. Here are various examples.
Uncritical examples
Doing Things Right In Matters of the Heart Study Guide by Joshua Krohse | Northbrook Baptist Church (check page 17)
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Shocking News: Josh Duggar is a Sinner by Eric Hovind | Creation Today (May 2015)
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To Fight Sex Trafficking, Fight the Ideology That Creates It, Expert Says by Napp Nazworth | Christian Post (February 2013, quotes someone who claims sex trafficking is caused by sex being disconnected from marriage and procreation)
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The Progression of Pornography Addiction by Gene McConnell | Focus On The Family (January 2020, claims regular porn use can lead to sexual harassment and other boundary crossing)
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Baggage in the Bedroom by Dr. Juli Slattery | Focus On The Family (November 2015, talks as though porn use and casual sex are as damaging as sexual abuse)
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Religious right letter opposed to The Freedom To Marriage Act (July 2022, argues that ”marriages involving a minor or relative” would be protected under this act alongside things like polyamorous marriage, non-permanent arrangements, or platonic marriage)
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Gender and race in the cult of true womanhood | Are Women Human? (September 2011)
”You Are Not Your Own:” Is Rape Just Another ”Sexual Sin?” | Sarah Over The Moon (September 2013)
How ”Lessons From Moral Failures in a Family” Blames Victims | Recovering Grace (April 2013)
Josh Duggar and His Victims are "Damaged Goods" | Tell me why the world is weird (June 2015)
All Sin is Equal: The Reasons Why I Hate Myself | Speaking When the World Sleeps (January 2016)
Dear conservative Christians: Rape is not sex | Are Women Human? (September 2010)
Josh Duggar's Real Victim Was God (So It's Okay) | Tell me why the world is weird (June 2015)
BREAKING NEWS: Purity Culture Adherents Completely Miss the Point | Tell me why the world is weird (February 2017, criticizes evangelicals who don't see a difference between a woman being shown in a sexual manner and a woman being treated as an object for men's pleasure)
How Sovereign Grace Ministries deals with ACTUAL sexual sin | Are Women Human? (April 2011)
2. Some Christians have treated gay relationships and trans acceptance as being on the same level as incest, pedophilia, and bestiality. This has also come with the assumption that LGBTQ+ people are naturally more predatory than cis straight people.
Uncritical examples
Is there a connection between homosexuality and predatory behavior, like pedophilia? by Bob Van Domelen | Exodus International
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12 Ways God-Rejecters Murder, Attack, & Abuse Children | Biblical Evidence For Catholicism With Dave Armstrong (July 2023)
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Religious right letter opposed to The Freedom To Marriage Act (July 2022, argues that ”marriages involving a minor or relative” would be protected under this act)
Archived on Politico
Gay Rights vs. Democracy by Dinesh D'Souza | Townhall (May 2008)
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How Equating Homosexuality as a Sin Just Like Child Sexual Abuse Harms Survivors | Speaking When the World Sleeps (October 2014)
FRC: Scientists Refuse to Accept Clear ”Correlation Between Homosexuality and Pedophilia” by Kyle Mantyla | Right Wing Watch (December 2010)
Speaker Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Homosexuality to Beastiality by Christopher Wiggins | Advocate (October 2023)
Further information
...incest relies ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, on CANNIBALIZING existing relationship bonds | bigskydreaming (July 2019)
Incest Is Cancer by William Saletan (December 2010)
Sex Workers Don't Deserve to be Raped by Jillian Keenan | The Daily Beast (September 2014)